The Carpenters: The Nation's Best Carpenters' Song.

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The Carpenters: The Nation's Best Carpenters' Song.

September 04, 2016 - 16:16
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There are very few music artists, or bands for that matter, who's music is so brilliant, whereby every word from every song that they ever recorded, is precisely remembered.

The Carpenters: The Nation's Best Carpenters' Song.

By Andy Simon

There are very few music artists, or bands for that matter, who's music is so brilliant, whereby every word from every song that they ever recorded, is precisely remembered.

Their music is such, that they become so deeply engrained in your memory, and thus makes it for some, almost virtually impossible to forget any of their songs, even after many years have passed since you last heard, or sang along to any of them.

The Carpenters; were, in my opinion, just such artists.

I think it's fair to say that there are few of my generation (if any in fact) that does not have a Carpenters Song or album in their music collection.

I hadn't intended to do a review on this programme, but The Carpenters for me; touched an old, but sensitive nerve. And I had forgotten just how sensitive, that nerve still remains.

In addition; Karen and Richard Carpenter, had given so much of themselves over the years, I felt it was only right that I should do this review by way of respectful thanks for all the wonderful, brilliant and dare I say it, legendary music, this incredible duo have left behind, not only for those who remember them to enjoy, but also for future generations to enjoy too.

The programme in question, was on last night at 9:45pm (Saturday) on ITV1 following that total disaster; Newzoids.

The Carpenters: The Nation's Best Carpenters Song, was a documentary really, about the lives and musical careers of Richard and Karen Carpenter, although more accurately, it was a programme aimed to finding the best Carpenters song via a top twenty songs list.


I have to admit I was somewhat surprised when I heard what the Number One Song was. (Hey Mr Postman) Mind you; a very tough choice to make when you consider the vast, varied, remarkable and incredibly wonderful material they left behind.

Not an easy job for anyone; I suppose.

I was only in my 20's when Karen Carpenter died in 1983, but even at that young age, the music of  the Carpenters was already deeply engrained within me, and for that reason, the knowledge of her passing was deeply felt. Their music could never be forgotten nor too; could Karen Carpenter.

Karen was unique.

And after watching the interview of Richard last night, 33 years after Karen died, I couldn't help noticing the pain of his loss, that was still, deeply etched on his brow, and the sorrow, in his eyes.

He still misses her greatly, and I'm certain, he always will.

For without doubt; Karen Carpenter was one of those incredibly rare artists who had a unique gift. And that gift was her unmistakable, undisputed, and most beautiful voice.

The tributes and other memories, happy and sad, supplied by their many friends and associates, were also deeply moving.

And as the programme edged its way towards Karen's unfortunate and untimely death, I was welling up inside. And I found this surprising, that I still felt that way, after all this time.

It is at times like these, when this Godless Cretin who is writing this review, pauses to consider the possibility of an Afterlife.

And if such a thing truly exists, then I can only hope that for Richard, Karen awaits him there. And when his time comes, they may yet again, come together, and maybe carry on, where they left off?

Who knows . . .

One thing's for certain; true Artists, are never forgotten.
And for me, The Carpenters never will be.

The Carpenters: The Nation's Best Carpenters Song, is still available on the ITV Hub.

Even if you are not a fan, it is still, worth watching.

Thanks for reading.
