Go For It? I've already gone

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Go For It? I've already gone

August 27, 2016 - 22:31
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Saturday night light entertainment during the late Summer and early Autumn can be "Questionable" at best. For example; I am unfortunately old enough to remember those terrible Summertime Specials" the BBC did back in the late 70's.

Go For It! Stephen Mulhern

By Andy Simon

Saturday night light entertainment during the late Summer and early Autumn can be "Questionable" at best. For example; I am unfortunately old enough to remember those terrible Summertime Specials" the BBC did back in the late 70's.

God, they were awful. And such damaging TV, even after all these years, leaves its scars.

And you hope among all hopes; that those within TV land, will never make such terrible, drival filled, grossly boring mistakes again. But the latest Saturday Night light entertainment offering from ITV however, leaves me in no doubt at all as to how wrong, you can be.

I'm referring of course; to ITV's latest Saturday Night game show, "Go For It", which had its debut, last night, on ITV1.

I mean really, are you serious?

This "Brain Dead" game show is surely an insult;even to the brain dead.

Who in their right mind wants to watch a melon head, smashing up water melons with his equally shaped, melon head? Surely; civilisation as I perceive it, has moved on from these "cheap laughs" Generation Game type shows?

To quote the ITV Press Centre, regarding this so called Brand New Show, "Go For It, hosted by Stephen Mulhern, aims to discover the weirdest and most unique skills that our nation has to offer and put them to the test. Each week our challengers will get the chance to show off to the nation and win £1000 in cash on the spot if they successfully complete their unusual skill on air."


Yeah; it's "Weird" alright but definitely NOT unique. TV land has produced this complete and utter rubbish before, and all they have done this time is re-dress it and give it a new name.

Must be seriously out of new ideas; me thinks.

I suppose the only good thing this show will do for you (that's assuming of course, that you are foolish or stupid enough to watch it) is to nullify your brain so much, that by the time The X Factor comes on, your synaptic pathways will be so traumatised, it won't matter that a bunch of incredibly sad, juvenile delinquent, "I wanna be a Pop Star" delusionists, have just shown up on your screen.

By that time I think, your life (as you know it) simply won't matter anymore!

The prospect of watching this so called "Talent" game show every Saturday (and I use the word, "Talent', very loosely) where you have someone trying to solve a rubix cube with their feet, a woman kicking the shit out of rugby balls, and an idiot who clearly has psychopathic tendencies towards melons, is not, in my opinion, my idea of a fun entertaining evening in front of the telly.

But; as long as Boney M, Keith Chegwin or Noel Edmonds don't show up, my chances of surviving Saturday evening before the X Factor comes on, is marginally improved. However; having said that, now that the X Factor is back, it will more likely, finish me off!

Come back Strictly, all is forgiven (Apart from Ed Balls)

ITV's newest dose of uninteresting, pointless, brain dead drivel, "Go For It", continues next Saturday at 7pm.

Watch it if you must. I'll probably pass on it, thanks.
