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Programmes you might want to watch and review tonight…

May 04, 2016 - 13:35
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What to watch and review Wednesday, May 4.

Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away

EastEnders (BBC1, 8pm) Is this new hour-long Wednesday night thing worth it? Tune in, decide what you think and let us know.   

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Her Majesty’s Prison: Norwich (ITV, 9pm) Another of ITV’s many documentaries about life behind bars. But fascinating stories of the old lags who know the score… and the horrified first-timers struggling to cope. Plus, the rigours of family visits and the 24/7 battle to stop drugs, phones and contraband being smuggled into jail.

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Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away (Channel 5, 9pm) The huge High Court enforcement “agents” (bailiffs) aren’t exactly 007. But when it comes to collecting debts and evicting people they’re the stars of the show. Is this prime-time entertainment? What do you reckon?

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